I am thrilled to announce the completion of my Masters Degree from Lesley University! The degree in Community Arts: Theatre Specialization is the perfect next step in my educational resume (with a Bachelor Degree in Dramatic Art and a graduate teaching credential in Multiple Subject education). The balance of teaching full time, taking care of my family and going to graduate school was a challenge but I am proud of reaching the finish line this summer.
Most importantly, I am glad the it is my students who will benefit the most from my recent education. I am excited to start implementing my new learning, and especially the curriculum I developed as part of my final Masters Thesis. Students will be connecting theatre history to current events, incorporating storytelling and dramatizing literature, and examining community issues through theatre for social change. The emphasis on critical thinking, teamwork, leadership and empowerment remains at the heart of the program and will be stronger than ever as we move forward with our Drama program, continuing to evolve and meet the ever-changing needs of our students.
If you're interested in reading the Thesis and Curriculum Guide, I have made it available via a web link. (Check out the links' pages from the blog home page to view the documents or click the link in this blog entry.)
Many thanks to my family for their support, and my students for allowing me to continuously bring new ideas to our classroom. Remember: we are all life-long learners!