Monday, October 3, 2011

Drama class question: 1.1

Our first question of the trimester:
Why do you think Drama is a required course at APR
(and part of the Massachusetts state standards)?
Please reply with your thoughts on this question.
(This particular question will be asked again in the spring to see how our answers might change at theend of the course.)

When leaving a post, in the pull-down menu for "Comment as", simply select "Name/URL" and enter just your first name and last initial so I'll know who is commenting. (You can leave the URL space empty.)

I look forward to reading your responses!
P.S. Remember, you must respond to at least one post each trimester, but you are welcome to respond multiple times if you wish!


  1. I think that drama is a required at APR because drama sets us up for our future. For example,because of drama we'll know what to do if we ever come across challenges in life and we'll know how to handle them. But the main reason why i think that i think that drama's a required course at APR is because it gets us ready to work in real life with people that we don't know or don't like.

  2. i think we have drama is because it helps us with flexibility in college. it helps us also helps us in the future with interpertation. we can also use it for fast reflexes.

  3. I think drama should be a required subject.
    It teaches you how to talk and act at apresentation wich will be usefulin in school or even at work. drama lso helps youre charisma and talking to people. group worki will always be important through life like working on porojects and sports and solving a problem. Also it teaches you to constuctivly critisize

  4. I think drama is a required class because in the realwold you need skills to work with others. In drama class we learn how use those skills in a professional manner, so when we get a job we can learn how to work with others on projects and assignments. That is why I think drama is a mandtory class at APR.

  5. i think that drama is required as a subject because student need a way to get loose and let go inner emotions during class in a way so that they are prepared for any challenge they will face during life.

  6. I think Drama is a required course beacuse drama is all about character. We need a good character to succed in life. This is a way to prepare for our up coming experiences in life and how we should deal with them.

  7. drama is a require course because it teaches you how to work with other when you grow up and have to work with others you don't like at your job but have to get use to. Also it helps for people not to be a hog and share roles with others

  8. I think drama is a required course at APR because it gives students who are creative and artistic and like to act a chance to do what they like and more and to express themselves and their abilities . It helps them learn about character and teamwork and even trust . All things that are a big part of our lives in many ways.Like for example in your job you need to have all these traits or you might not get the job done or be a good worker.That's why I think drama is a required course at APR.

  9. i think that drama is requierd class because it teaches us to work with one another because. when we start to have jobs we need to help out. and work with each other cause we cant be stating fights about are opinain. and so we can share and in plays we can help out. like if someone forgets there line. the next person can say there line and pretend it was supposed to be that way.

  10. I think drama is a required class because it will help us with our future and give us more oppurtunities for our carrers. Drama should be a required class in every school just to give a sample if how it is and if that is what your career is going to be. For example one of the careers I want to have is be an actor and to be an actor you would need acting lessons which drama is meant for. This is why i believe drama is a required class.

  11. I think drama is a required class because it can teach us many lessons that we can use off the stage. For example, drama can teach us how to improvise, which is an important skill because we will all come across a situation where we don't know what to say and have to make something up on the spot. Another example is that drama teaches us to work together. This is important because we have to be able to work in a group(we will have to eventually) or we can never suceed. Finally, drama teahes us how to express ourselves. This is important because we all have to express ourselves some how or we will be dispondant and alone in life. That is why drama is a required class at APR.

  12. Carmide G

    i think that drama is required because the skills that you learn and do in drama can help you in life. such as if you have a job you will have to be able to cooperate, think on your feet, and do team work.

  13. I think Drama is a required course because its increases knowledge and understanding of others, themselves and the world around them. It also develop self-confidence, self-discipline and self-motivation.

  14. I think that drama is a required class because it is helping kids learn a sense of responsability and teamwork as a community. Most people would get into alot of fights due to lack of comunication but in drama you can move past all of that and make more friends. if you don't treat others with respect you cannot create a good play.

  15. drama is a required class because when we try to get jobs that are somewhat related to drama or performing arts we can have more knowledge on that subject than someone that feels like they succeed at everything without practice and in a major audition the person that has more knowledge is most likely to get the spot. Going back to the Phantom Tollbooth Q&A one of the people that work at Wheelock Family Theatre said that they have performing arts classes and one of us APR students could go and get a major role in a big production someday

  16. I think that drama is required because for standardized tests we need to be able to read a script and know stage directions. We also need to be out of class and doing something interactive with our surroundings, drama related.

  17. i think drama is required because this school ,the academy of the pacific rim, require us to take drama because we in the future can learn and develop with the help of the things we learn and study helping us to become better readers and writers

  18. I think drama is a required course at APR because it provides
    us with leadership skills that we will need in the real
    world when we get older. Also it teaches us how to work with others
    which is important also when working for other people or companies.

  19. It helps us to prepare for the future.

  20. drama is important because we need to know how to read and act different kinds of storys and to build teamwork

  21. drama is important because it helps us learn tem building and how to work with others.

  22. i think we have drama because it helps us build our character. from roles we play we take what our character learns and apply it to our life

  23. Drama is important because it allows us to cooperate with others and learn,for example, even if we don't like one person, we still need to work with them and learn to cooperate with that person in the real world.

  24. I feel that Drama class is very important at APR. Twomain reasons for it being so important is it builds traits and character. These two things are very important in a school environment. Also having the advantage of performing in front of an audience and classmates opens you up and makes you more alive and makes you less shy. This is very important in the classroom as well as the workplace.

  25. i learned that you shoud think befor you do anything in your life you have to think befor you make desicions and u should think reaaly hard to know the differences from good and bad

  26. I think Drama is a required class because it helps students develop leadership and team building skills that will help them later on in the future

  27. i think drama is a required class because it help student learn about teamwork that will help u later in life
